About Me
Carlos Aristizabal (Photographer), Master of Science in Computer Science
Carlos Aristizabal is both artist and technical wizard whose photography & videography expand the boundaries of what is possible to capture on film or digitally.
His ability to intuitively know the perfect moment before it happens is a rare and priceless gift given only to a few. Add to this his charming presence and lightening quick turnaround time, and you have a dependable permanent addition to your speed dial.
Weddings are a specialty when the most prized photographs are often spontaneous, completely unrehearsed, only Carlos is ready to seize the moment. What makes him able to be ready for something no one knew was coming? Who can say for sure, but the results speak for themselves. The joyous peak occasions in life are meant to be savored for a lifetime, with Carlos as your photographer, you won’t miss a single moment.